Deployed successes start with home station training Published Jan. 18, 2007 By By Col. Tom Schluckebier 66th Air Base Wing commander Hanscom AFB -- During Friday's Heroes' Homecoming we will celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of Hanscom's recently returned deployers. I encourage each of you to spend some time at the Aero Club Hangar starting at 3:30 p.m. to honor these deserving individuals. The Heroes' Homecoming is the first event of its kind here and we intend to continue this important program. The success of our deployed warriors during what are, at times, difficult circumstances, is testament to the skillful competence these warriors possess. As I reviewed the list of honorees, I was heartened to see many familiar names who had participated in our Base Readiness Exercises here at Hanscom prior to their deployments. As they return and once again become part of our BRE teams, they will bring real-world experience and expertise that will improve our overall readiness. Additionally, they are walking testimonials to the importance of home station training. I have had the opportunity to talk to many of these returnees, and while they say our BRE scenarios do not precisely replicate the entire deployment experience, they agree that the basic BRE situation -- working under pressure and applying a set of policies and procedures in an unfamiliar environment with a relatively new and unknown set of teammates -- is great training for the real thing. While we celebrate the return of many members of Team Hanscom, many are still deployed and we pray for their safe return. We also know that more will deploy in the coming months. In a way, Friday's homecoming event ties it all together -- ensuring our deployers are fully prepared is serious business and as we busily prepare for next week's BRE and the Operational Readiness Inspection in June, we are mindful that our goal is not only to ace the ORI, but also to ensure every single Hanscom deployer is successful and returns safely to be an honoree at a future Hanscom Heroes' Homecoming event.