HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- The 66th Medical Squadron here is recognizing Medical Laboratory Professionals Week April 23 to 29.
The annual observance provides medical personnel the opportunity to increase public understanding of, and appreciation for, clinical laboratory personnel.
“Each year we pause and say thank you to the lab staff who play a critical role behind the scenes,” said Maj. Jenifer Mouser, 66 MDS officer in charge of Laboratory and Radiology. “They are highly educated and trained to maintain complicated analyzers, recognize various cell types present in the blood, and execute a wide array of complex testing needed to support providers with making diagnoses.”
According to The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science website, the week-long recognition campaign originated in 1975 as National Medical Laboratory Week under the auspices of the American Society for Medical Technology, now called the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science.
The Hanscom AFB clinic is one of many medical treatment facilities across the Defense Health Agency that participate in the celebration.
Throughout the week, MDS officials will take time to recognize laboratory staff for their role in the delivery of healthcare services, including highlighting the continued transition to a new electronic health record for beneficiaries.
MHS Genesis offers beneficiaries secure 24/7 access to their health records and information, with options to manage appointments and prescriptions, message their care teams, and more.
According to officials, the system has the ability to “talk” with other military treatment facilities and Veterans Administration locations to ensure continuity of care. MHS Genesis does have additional checks and balances in place that can result in increased wait times.
To learn more about the 66th Medical Squadron, visit https://hanscom.tricare.mil/.