Space, Aerial and Nuclear Networks Division offers up potential business opportunities

LEXINGTON, Mass. -- Hanscom's Space, Aerial and Nuclear Networks, or HNA, Division was the topic of conversation at the Hanscom Representatives Association meeting in Lexington, Mass., April 11.

Col. Anthony Genatempo, the division's senior materiel leader, presented community and industry partners with an overall HNA update, discussed program opportunities and emphasized the division's priorities.

"We have a pretty bold vision," said Genatempo, when laying out HNA's way ahead. "We plan to revolutionize the management of our networks as weapons systems, earn recognition as a leader both in acquiring and sustaining interoperable communication systems and we will work to establish, maintain and enforce the standards for aerial and satellite communication networks."

Among the potential industry opportunities discussed was the gateway and datalink capability. Aerial domain capabilities that serve as the "connective tissue," or communications bridge, between fifth and fourth generation aircraft.

"It's a major priority for Air Combat Command," the colonel said.

The Air Force intends to leverage existing technologies to develop this capability and is currently in the process of developing requirements, but is faced with some challenging timelines, according to the senior materiel leader.

Officials anticipate a request for proposal to be released during the first or second quarter of fiscal year 2015.

Also within the aerial domain realm and yet another potential industry opportunity is the development of a multiple common data link waveform compliance tester. HNA estimated a request for proposal to be released during the fourth quarter of FY14 with the possibility of a contract award in the second quarter of FY15.

The colonel also touched on a significant program resource available on base.

The Tactical Data Networks Lab located at Hanscom supports Department of Defense, Air Force, Life Cycle Management Center and Defense Labs programs and projects. It serves as a research, development, test and evaluation demonstration facility.

"It allows us to bring in technology and ideas and test the readiness of a product," Genatempo said.

The meeting concluded with the senior materiel leader emphasizing some of his acquisition priorities.
"I'm steadfast on promoting competition, increasing collaboration with industry and reducing risk and cost," Genatempo said.