Straight Talk: You never know when...

  • Published
  • By Col. Charles F. Thompson
  • 66th Air Base Wing commander
I want to thank everyone for the great team effort in response to the water main break in Weston. Base personnel responded smoothly to the notifications as we spread the word through multiple means. You may have received several notifications, but we wanted to be sure everyone who lives and works on Hanscom and in the surrounding areas was informed about the issue. Team Hanscom was ready, but fortunately the outstanding efforts of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority solved the issue in a few days.
This is one of those reminders we get every now and then of how much we take for granted in clean water supplies, efficient food distribution and quick emergency response. I would encourage all of us to take a bit of time to check our own emergency response kits in our homes to assess how well prepared we are for the next incident. While city, state and federal agencies, including Hanscom Air Force Base officials, will do everything they can to help take care of people, all of these efforts take time to put in place and your individual preparation will help bridge the gap and take care of you and your family.

If you are unsure of the recommended items, you can go to and look at the "Plan and Prepare" tab to see what is recommended based on the emergencies for New England.