Straight Talk: Construction Published April 29, 2010 By Col. Charles F. Thompson 66th Air Base Wing commander HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- I would like to thank everyone in advance for your patience as we begin substantial road and parking lot repairs across Hanscom Air Force Base. We were fortunate to receive significant funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and with the diligent efforts of everyone involved, these funds were placed on the contract at a record pace last year. We will all benefit at the end of the summer as we drive on newly paved roads from the Vandenberg to Hartwell gates. I know everyone is looking forward to the new roads, but there will be inconvenience in the meantime as the construction crews detour traffic around the base. The Vandenberg Gate will be closed from May 6 through 9. Personnel and families can use the Marrett Street Gate, Gate 2, entering from Minute Man National Park while the Vandenberg Gate is closed. If you do use the Marrett Street Gate, please watch out for children and families as you pass by base housing and Hanscom schools. The speed limit is different in this area, so keep your eyes out for changes. You will also want to allow yourself extra time to travel on base and get around detours as the construction moves to the Hartwell Gate. We have advised our local community partners and companies that regularly deliver goods to Hanscom about the construction, as well. Please look out for the notice signs posted around the base, as well as for announcements in the Hansconian and on the website for details on the routes and times for construction.