HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – Base officials have reintroduced an Interactive Customer Evaluation system for members of the community here to voice opinions, concerns, or offer suggestions on services and support to leadership.
ICE provides communication between customers and base leadership, ultimately improving the overall experience for everyone.
“The ICE system serves as a platform for you to share your experiences and provide valuable insights regarding the services and support you receive from Hanscom Air Force Base,” wrote Col. Taona Enriquez, installation commander, in an email to the workforce.
The tool is available to Hanscom AFB civilian, enlisted and officers, as well as their families, and retirees.
“Whether it's medical facilities, housing, food services, recreational activities, or customer service interactions, ICE allows you to share your experiences and contribute to the continuous improvement effort,” said Tech. Sgt. Heather Houlton, 66th Air Base Group Commander’s Action Group NCO in charge, who oversees the platform for Hanscom AFB.
By accessing the ICE system, available at https://ice.disa.mil/, users can rate their experiences and provide specific comments.
To initiate, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the ICE System at https://ice.disa.mil/ or via a QR code.
Step 2: Locate "Hanscom Air Force Base."
Step 3: Select the base service you wish to comment on.
Step 4: Provide your feedback and contact information.
Step 5: Submit your evaluation.
“Take the time to fill out the feedback form thoughtfully and provide as much detail as possible,” wrote Enriquez. “Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand your experience and make meaningful improvements.”
According to officials who manage the site, responses are confidential and provided to the responsible base agency.
“The ICE system allows you to receive updates on the progress made in response to your feedback,” said Houlton. “There is an option for users to leave an email address to receive notifications on actions taken to address concerns, improvements implemented, and other relevant information.”
The tool offers additional benefits to the Hanscom AFB community.
“It ensures transparency and accountability by promptly forwarding feedback to units for review and action,” said Houlton. “Personnel responsible for addressing customer concerns can access the system and respond directly to each comment or complaint, fostering effective communication and facilitating prompt resolutions.”
Base officials also offer other ways for customers to provide feedback.
“Another way we aim to capture your feedback is the Installation Commander's Straight Talk,” wrote Enriquez. “This is a great tool to facilitate discussion on a variety of Hanscom issues especially after working with your front-line supervisors, first sergeants and commanders.”
The Straight Talk hotline can be reached at 781-225-1380, or feedback can be e-mailed to hanscom.straighttalk@us.af.mil.
For further information on the ICE platform or Straight Talk Hotline, contact 66.abg.workflow@us.af.mil.