HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – Base officials recently announced Sept. 25 as the start of the annual Combined Federal Campaign here with a goal to raise $50,000 and make 100 percent contact with military and civilian federal employees.
This year’s CFC drive will continue through Jan. 13, 2024. The theme for this year is “Give Happy.”
“Your contribution to the Combined Federal Campaign at Hanscom Air Force Base will help us reach this year’s monetary goal, bringing hope and positive change to those who need it most,” said Tech. Sgt. Katsiaryna Durant, installation CFC co-coordinator.
Donors have four ways to give: pledge online, complete a paper pledge form, the CFC Giving mobile app, or text “Donate” to 978-487-5678. Federal employees can also pledge volunteer hours to charities that accept them.
Participants may choose to give a one-time donation or deduct a certain amount from each paycheck. To learn more about the ways to donate, visit https://givecfc.org/donors.
Among the charities donors may choose is Friends of Family Services, a 501 (c)(3) private organization. This Hanscom AFB-based charity provides support to the community through gift baskets for new babies, support to Hearts Apart events and to the Exceptional Family Member Program. The code for Friends of Family Services is 33931.
“Together, we can achieve extraordinary results and make a difference for someone,” said Master Sgt. Christopher Crean, installation CFC co-coordinator.
According to the CFC website, the Combined Federal Campaign has raised more than $8.7 billion for charitable organizations worldwide. It’s one of the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaigns.
Hanscom AFB personnel are encouraged to contact an office keyworker for assistance with submitting a pledge. For those unsure who their unit’s keyworker is, contact Durant at katsiaryna.v.durant.mil@health.mil or Crean at christopher.crean@us.af.mil.
Federal organizations in the region are part of the New England CFC.
The CFC is administered by the Office of Personnel Management and is the official workplace giving campaign for federal employees and retirees.
For additional information about the CFC campaign, visit https://cfcgiving.opm.gov/faq.