HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – The Retiree Activities Office here will host an information fair and appreciation event on Friday, Nov. 3 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Base Exchange food court area here.
The annual event is open to all military retirees, spouses and retirees' dependent survivors of all ranks and services.
“We’re truly excited to host this year’s Military Retiree Appreciation Day again this year at the BX complex,” said retired Marine Corps Capt. Dean Mottard, director of the Hanscom Retiree Activities Office. “The event offers a chance for our military retirees to connect, share experiences, and access valuable resources.”
According to organizers, the agencies scheduled to attend include TRICARE for Life, Medicare, dental and vision service providers, Defense Finance Accounting Service, and others.
“The Retiree Activities Office is here to show our gratitude to the many military retirees for their dedicated service,” said Mottard.
Anyone wishing to attend this year’s Military Retiree Appreciation Day must have base access.
Light refreshments will be available throughout the event.
For further information on the retiree day, contact the Retiree Activities Office at 781-225-1310 or by email at RAO.Hanscom.AFB@gmail.com.