Executive Director explains excitement for future at AFLCMC (PODCAST)

  • Published
  • By Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Public Affairs Team

Dennis D’Angelo, SES, came to the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center in September and serves as Executive Director. He previously held the same role at the Air Force Sustainment Center.

Being Executive Director of AFLCMC is a large role that encompasses many responsibilities and requires many skillsets. The role acts as a civilian right-hand to the Commander and largely focuses on manpower issues. During a recent episode of “Leadership Log,” Mr. D'Angelo talked about his background, his love of flying and his excitement in joining the AFLCMC team.

Before becoming a civilian, Mr. D’Angelo spent 30 years in the USAF and retired as a colonel in 2008. He was primarily a C-5 pilot, worked in operations and later logistics. He spent time at Wright-Patterson as 88th Logistics Group Commander and Vice Commander of the 88 ABW.

“I did a lot of things with the combatant commands to prepare for war, to be able to move large masses,” explains D’Angelo of his logistics experience. “After I retired, I spent time at Stuttgart, Germany at U.S. Africa Command Deployment and Distribution Operations Center (AFRICOM). I worked on the African continent for a period of time while I was there doing logistics type activities.”

During the interview, D’Angelo shares some stories during his time as a pilot, including being shot at by an angry individual. He also recalls flying through the Northern Lights.

“But probably the coolest thing was I've probably seen the space shuttle recover from the airplane more than most people have seen it recover to either Edwards or the Cape,” adds D’Angelo. "The early space shuttle missions would start recovery somewhere over Guam. And sometimes I was flying over Hawaii, and they'd fly right over us on the way in. And it does look like a big flaming star. It goes by you.”


To hear the full conversation, watch above or on YouTube. You can also listen by searching “Leadership Log” on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, Overcast, Radio Public or Breaker.