Straight Talk: Driving and cell phone use Published Jan. 19, 2012 By Col. Stacy L. Yike 66th Air Base Group commander HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Yay for the New England Patriots! They're one step closer to the big game. Most of you know I don't follow sports much, and when I do pay attention it usually results in my team losing, but I do enjoy getting caught up in the excitement of the hometown team doing well. I consider myself fortunate to live near Boston where almost every sports team has been playing near the top of their league. The teams show amazing support to the military and military families, as well. I hope you have been able to take in a game or two during your time here. One of the aspects of moving regularly that I enjoy is the opportunity to experience different things. There are not many places where you can experience winter like you can in New England, so I hope you are getting out to the ski slopes, experimenting with snowboarding or cross country skiing, tapping maple trees or ice skating on winter ponds. Our Tickets and Tours office can help find the perfect weekend event for you and your family. As you are driving off base for your weekend adventure, please remember no cell phone use while driving! We have had quite a spate recently of people engaging in this careless habit. I know that we are all wedded to our cell phones, but every second of your eyes off the road and your hands off the wheel is an accident waiting to happen. Just because you have always done it doesn't make it safe. Remember when no one wore a seat belt? Remember when no one wore a bike helmet? Now you would never let your child ride in the car without a seat belt or ride a bike without a helmet, so don't endanger your child, or others, by being a careless driver. Make safety a priority for you and your family. Put the cell phone down while driving. You can use a hands free device and keep Team Hanscom safe. Thank you!