Straight Talk: Spam and speeding Published Sept. 23, 2010 By Col. Stacy L. Yike 66th Air Base Group commander HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Question: I have noticed a major increase in spam and junk e-mail in my e-mail box, as well as in our common mailbox (CMB) in the last few weeks. For instance, although there was no spam in our CMB last night when I left the office at 7 p.m., this morning there were 63 junk emails in there. What gives? Why the sudden increase recently? Response: I have had a ton of spam in my box this week, too. We have not changed any filters or processes at Hanscom or Air Force-wide. The change is likely due to a sharp increase in spam e-mail messages received at Air Force gateways. Information Assurance (IA) starts with each of us and any e-mail message received that generates concern of the inbox owner may be further analyzed. You can contact the SC response center at 781-377-4357 when you receive spam and describe the e-mail and include the title. If the e-mail message should be analyzed, then SC will ask you to send an e-mail with the offending e-mail message as an attachment to the IA CMB. The Hanscom IA team will further analyze the e-mail message, take appropriate actions and notify you of the result. As a reminder to everyone, government provided communication or messaging services such as e-mail are for official use only. Air Force messaging systems support the Air Force mission and are used for official or authorized uses. Air Force military members and civilian employees may use a government-provided messaging system for official or authorized use only. Any other use is prohibited. Users of the system must adhere to all local policies on sending electronic messages. Electronic messaging policies include training, planning, maintenance, use, formats, access, security and record management. It is important that all messaging system users understand their role, responsibility and proper system use. The Air Force does not lower its filtering to accommodate personal uses. Question: We recently moved to Ent Road in the past week and I have noticed that the construction vehicles drive very, very fast down the street. I have two children that go to Hanscom Primary and I am very concerned for their safety. What can be done to slow them down? Response: The 66th Air Base Group completes prevention and enforcement action to stop contractor vehicles from presenting a safety hazard. Civil Engineering personnel brief the leadership of all construction contractors on the speed limits and other applicable safety rules on Hanscom prior to the start of work. These points were and will continue to be stressed during coordination meetings about ongoing projects. Additionally, the 66th Security Forces Squadron will increase the amount of patrols and traffic enforcement in and around construction areas in family housing. I appreciate all of you driving carefully to keep our streets safe. Security forces maintain regular patrols to remind us to follow the rules of the road. They have written 85 citations this month alone, primarily for cell phone violations, speeding and failure to stop. Cell phone violations cost $75 for a civilian, so put the phone down. Not only is it the right thing for the safety of those around you, it also helps preserve your precious resources - a two for one deal! Just so you know, the fines do not go into the base budget, but instead go into the U.S. Dept of Justice's Crime Victims Fund. Our only goal is to keep you safe.