Straight Talk: Pets and the gas station

  • Published
  • By Col. Stacy L. Yike
  • 66th Air Base Group commander
Question: My family and I were walking on base when we came across a stray dog with a collar that had apparently gotten away from its owner. I caught the dog and flagged down security forces who said there was nothing they could do. Luckily, I was able to find someone who recognized the dog and it was returned to its owner. Is it really base policy to allow dogs to roam around base?

Answer: First, thank you for taking the time to care for the safety of this loose dog and find his home. I am sure the owners were most appreciative. You are correct; pets are not allowed to roam loose on the base. All pets must be leashed while outdoors. This ensures the safety of the animals as well as the safety of base personnel and base property. If you encounter a stray animal, please contact security forces at 781-377-2316. I apologize that the SFS member you spoke to was unclear on the policy, but we have reinvigorated our process based on your question and in the future SFS should be able assist you. While they are not trained or equipped to function as animal control officers, they will contact the proper resources as needed.

For those pet owners who want to give Fido an opportunity to run around outside, we have a fabulous dog park just behind the skate park compliments of an Eagle Scout project last year. The park has been a big success since it opened last fall, largely because of the pet owners who have taken pride in maintaining the park. Thank you all for following the posted rules and picking up after your pets so that we can keep the dog park clean for everyone.

As a reminder, all pet owners are required to register their pets with the base veterinarian within five days of bringing the pet into base housing. The base vet is open Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and has multiple services available. You can get reach them at 781-377-3266 or

Question: Why isn't the AAFES Gas Station open 24 hours for those who want to pay at the pump by credit card?

Answer: I wondered the same thing when I first arrived. I found out that Massachusetts Fire Code doesn't allow self-service gas stations without an attendant present in case there's an accidental spill, or worse yet, a fire.

Keep the questions coming and we will keep firing off answer the best we can.