Unit Compliance Inspection and Targeted Readiness Inspection—Are you ready? Published Aug. 13, 2008 By Col. Denise Kloeppel 66th Air Base Wing Inspector General HANSCOM AFB, Mass. -- Team Hanscom, November is fast approaching and before you know it, the Air Force Materiel Command Inspector General team will arrive. So are you ready? Have you reviewed your instructions, conducted your-self inspections, identified and raised challenges and issues to your senior leadership? Have you asked yourself, am I doing my part to support the Team by ensuring that my work and work center is in compliance? As the Unit Compliance Inspection/Targeted Readiness Inspection get closer, this is an excellent time pause for just moment and review your personal responsibility for getting and staying compliant and ready. · The UCI/TRI main focus is all safety-related issues; all governing directives and instructions: common core compliance area: by-law - potential for litigation: by Air Force Instruction - potential to degrade readiness; active Air Force and AFMC special interest items; critical or major findings and targeted readiness areas identified in previous inspections. As you can see, the focus of the inspection is not the responsibility of the Self-Inspection Program manager, task force lead, Unit Deployment Monitor or Functional Area Records Manger; it is for everyone on Hanscom. So ask yourself, are you doing everything you can regarding compliance and readiness? Are you using Electronic Records Management? Is your mobility folder up to date? Do you know what do if Force Protection conditions change? Do you know your rally point should you have to evacuate your building? This inspection is an "open book" exam. We know the Who, What, Where, Why and When. Now there are two ways to approach this exam. Dread it, toil over it, put it off to the last minute or do all the things that prevent action from taking place; or embrace it as an opportunity to excel, get 100 percent, "showcase" the extra credit and demonstrate pride. Are you ready for this opportunity? Hanscom UCI/TRI will occur in less than 90 days. Get ready and stay engaged - for yourself, your unit and the mission of United States Air Force.