Self Inspection Program first line of defense in preventing fraud, waste, abuse Published Jan. 29, 2008 By Pat Sabine 66th Air Base Wing Office of Inspector General HANSCOM AFB, Mass. -- Air Force Materiel Command Instruction 90-202 requires commanders to establish and maintain a Self Inspection Program. A viable SIP enables the Electronic Systems Center and its geographically separated units to identify and eliminate deficiencies and noncompliance with directives and serves as a vital management tool for internal evaluation. Effective SIPs provide a mechanism for organizations to assess internal operations in order to identify and correct obstacles to mission accomplishment in a timely manner, leading to sustained, effective mission performance. Easier said then done. With our ever-decreasing budget, we need to eliminate waste and non-value added efforts while still providing commanders with decision quality information. We need another level of clarity to standardize the implementation of this program and perhaps increase efficiency. Doing so will take the burden off the commanders and SIP monitors by eliminating ambiguity as to which checklist applies across each unit. It will also assist commanders by ensuring the SIP contributes to effective mission accomplishment and provide meaningful measures from which commanders can assess compliance and mission performance. The Hanscom Office of Inspector General is focusing on a streamlined, standard, consistent SIP process across ESC using 21st Century technology. The IG is working with the Plans and Programs directorate, utilizing AFSO21 tools to conduct an end-to-end analysis on the ESC SIP process, which supports the ESC Balanced Score Card One Command objective. The expected results will be a documented, standardized SIP, the required tools and training, and decision quality information for the commander. To conduct the end-to-end analysis, the Hanscom IG advocated for standardization across the command. The AFMC's SIP standardized effort team members are from AFMC field IG offices, Air Force Space Command, the Air Force IG's office, as well as from AFMC's own IG staff. AFMC will utilize AFSO21 and the Institutional Standard Work methodology chartered by the Develop and Sustain Warfighting Systems Council. The ISW methodology is made up of five steps: (1) Selection/identification of a process for standardization; (2) Review of all policies that have influence over the process; (3) Where applicable, review of existing related processes for "Best of Breed" starting point, to include coordination with intersecting process owners; (4) Develop/re-engineer the process to include selection of a compliance mechanism; and (5) Train, implement and deploy the standard process across the workforce. Lastly, the Hanscom IG is advocating the SIP shift from paper and stubby pencil to an automated, net-centric computer based tool. Currently, the 66 ABW Plans and Programs office has a computer-based tool that is working for them and has potential for use across the Air Force. There will definitely be more to follow regarding these initiatives. The Bottom line -- SIP is a commander's tool to measure unit compliance, efficiency and effectiveness to execute the mission and is one of the easiest ways to prevent Fraud Waste and Abuse. To learn more about SIP and the 66 ABW SIP Tracking Tool, go to the 66 ABW Centernet page and click on the Self Inspection Program link in the upper right hand corner of the page.