66 SFS inspire community

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Sam Elkins
  • 66th Security Force Squadron commander
Inspiration strikes in many different forms; some people find strength in a song or phrase while others look to people, such as coworkers, friends, leaders or neighbors. 

The men and women of the 66th Security Forces Squadron should be, and are, inspirations to this community. They embody the warrior ethos as part of their duties and personal lives. 

They are truly some of the most unselfish and determined Airmen a person would ever want to lead. They have dogged resilience and tenacity that some commanders can only dream about. 

Within our ranks, we have single mothers and fathers able to handle the rigor of this career field who have not once complained about their work loads. They are truly defenders of the force and guardians of our future. 

If you need an example of what warrior ethos is, just come and talk to them. They are amazing and inspiring to me. Their efforts and sense of urgency has resulted in more than 100 open discrepancies being closed out over the past two months.

This continued effort will be instrumental in reaching our goal of receiving an "outstanding" in the upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection. 

This is our time to shine -- America's new threat realizes they will never be able to beat us in the air or on the battlefield. Therefore, the enemy must hit us in our most vulnerable locations, forcing a reliance on surveillance and leveraging of our informational, personal and operational security vulnerabilities in order to strike us with any lethality. 

The work of our base acquisition security team will become more and more important in our efforts to win the Global War on Terror. Together, with the base community, we can ensure OPSEC is at the forefront of our everyday thoughts and actions, minimizing vulnerabilities. 

The members of the security forces career field have been tasked by leadership to stand in the gap and protect the innocent from fundamentalist jihadists. As our troops selflessly put themselves on the line to defend the Constitution and American ideals, I am grateful to be a member of the security forces career field and am very proud of the men and women I have the privilege to lead in this great Air Force.