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  • Marathon registration fees to increase after Independence Day

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – With only two months before the Air Force Marathon kicks off, participants can save on their race entry fees if registered by July 5, prior to the scheduled fourth price increase.Registration for the full and half marathons will increase by $10, while the 10K

  • Air Force cancels 2020 Marathon, offers virtual option

    Numerous scenarios were explored to produce an event that was safe for all and met the high event standards. All scenarios led the marathon team to conclude the event would be unable to proceed in a manner that participants have come to expect.

  • Air Force Marathon extends current registration prices

    Prices for the marathon and half marathon will increase by $10 on June 8, while the cost of the 5K and 10K races will increase by $5. The price for the Fly! Fight! Win! Challenge Series, in which runners compete in the 5K, 10K and either the half marathon or marathon will increase by $20, and the