66 CPTS queued up to save Airmen, Guardians time

  • Published
  • By Jaima Fogg

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – The 66 Comptroller Squadron has a new option for those seeking finance appointments here.

The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s Financial Management Directorate has implemented a customer appointment scheduling, queuing and reporting tool called QTrac, aimed to reduce wait times across comptroller squadrons.

The app standardizes the process across the Air Force, creating continuity for customers.

“When you go from Hanscom to your next base, the process is the same ,” said Master Sgt. Thomas Butler, 66 CPTS financial operations flight chief.

With QTrac, finance customers can schedule appointments or view real-time wait times for walk-in services, reducing the time spent in a physical waiting room.

“Customers scan the QR code, which takes them to a website where they can schedule an appointment with finance,” said Maj. Nicholas Stockdale, 66 CPTS commander. “They can provide information and documents ahead of time so that our team can be better prepared to assist them. It helps the customers, and it helps us.”

A SMS text function is also available, allowing customers to communicate their needs and receive targeted assistance.

“If you have a retirement issue and we know that from your communication through the app, we can make sure you see a retirement specialist,” said Butler. “You won’t be wasting time in the waiting room for help with that specific service.”

Feedback has been positive from comptroller squadrons

“I had the opportunity to see the app in its infancy at Hurburt Field,” said Butler. “The Airmen love it because it provides all of the benefits and saves them time.”  

QTrac does not replace existing customer service options. Customers can still call, use the comptroller services portal, or walk in for assistance.