HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- The 66th Air Base Group Public Affairs office has launched Team Hanscom Today, a weekly video program designed to keep the community informed about events, achievements, and more happening here.
The program, shared every Monday on social media, will feature different hosts each week from across the installation.
“Welcome to the inaugural episode of Team Hanscom Today, a weekly video series in which guest hosts will recap events and preview upcoming activities,” said Col. Jorge Jimenez, installation commander, who, along with Chief Master Sgt. Jason Vollmer, hosted the first episode.
During the brief video, senior leaders highlighted upcoming events and recognized award winners.
Additionally, Jimenez took the opportunity to address some of the most frequent questions he gets from around Hanscom AFB.
“We’ll aim to enhance communication so you can remain engaged with the base mission and activities available to you,” said Vollmer.
Those interested in guest hosting are asked to email Public Affairs at 66.abg.pa.workflow@us.af.mil.