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  • Air Force releases Enlisted Airmanship Continuum

    The Air Force published a letter to Airmen detailing updates to the enlisted force development model. The model reflects the new Enlisted Airmanship Continuum, a series of changes aiming to provide new development opportunities to Airmen.

  • Hanscom NCOs have new PME flexibility

    The Air Force’s Personnel Center has created a new scheduling system that allows noncommissioned officers to choose when they attend the NCO Academy, Senior NCO Academy and Chief Leadership Course.

  • AF announces changes to Courses 14 and 15

    Effective immediately, Air Force officials have removed the requirement to complete Courses 14 and 15 for all Airmen serving in the active component. Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen will have the option to complete their enlisted professional military education through distance

  • AF announces enlisted PME redesign

    Air Force officials announced major changes to the enlisted professional military education program today via an initiative called Enlisted Professional Military Education for the 21st Century, or “EPME 21.”