Name: Steven Gutfreund
Unit and Duty Title: Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence and Networks engineer
Hometown: Chicago
Why I Serve? I serve to help others achieve goals that they did not even realize they could. Enabling people to reach new personal heights and skills.
Best Air Force memory: My best Air Force memory was going to the U.S. Air Force "Boneyard" at Davis-Monthan, Arizona, and hearing all the stories from the doyens about their World War II battles.
How does the nominee contribute to your unit’s mission? Steven Gutfreund developed multiple data pipelines in one of Air Force’s Big Data Platforms, enabling data from Microsoft Outlook and other data sources to be integrated and displayed to senior leaders, including Air Force Chief Experience Officer for situational awareness and decision-making.
Additionally, he demonstrated AFNet performance monitoring capability to more than 40 attendees of Department of the Air Force Data, Analytics and AI Forum including Dr. Angela Giddings, the technical director for Air Force Studies and Analysis.
Finally, he coordinated with the Air Force Chief Data and AI Office and EITaaS End User Services contractor to establish connection to enable data from ServiceNow to flow into one of the big data platforms which will enable performance issues to be correlated with ticketing data. (Maj. Travis Hanson)