Temporary certificate updates on soon-to-expire CACs now authorized

  • Published
  • By Stacey Geiger
  • 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – To ensure continuity of operations during COVID-19, the Department of Defense has enabled a temporary capability to allow Common Access Card cardholders to update their certificates for continued use.

CACs that expired on or after April 16, 2020, and are within 30 days of expiration, can have certificates updated using ID Card Office Online to extend certificates through September 30, 2020.

This interim process will allow uninterrupted access to DoD networks, systems, e-mail and will also minimize the number of visits to the military personnel flight for a new CAC.

To be eligible to update certificates:

  1. CAC must expire within 30 days
  2. CAC must be unexpired when updating certificates
  3. The CAC holder must have an active affiliation that extends beyond the expiration date
  4. The CAC holder must use a computer that is properly configured to support ID Card Office Online certificate updates

For additional information and instructions on how to update certificates, go to the Department of Defense Common Access Card COVID-19 page at https://www.cac.mil/coronavirus and to update certificates, go to the ID Card Office Online at https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/self_service.

For more COVID-19-related information, visit http://www.hanscom.af.mil/Coronavirus/.