Holiday greetings from the base commander

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- As we approach the holidays and the New Year, I'd like offer my sincere thanks for all you've done this past year. While I arrived at Hanscom a good ways into 2012, it didn't take long for me to realize what an incredible, dedicated cadre of employees we have.

I recognize the challenges that we've taken on. A year of significant change, 2012 saw us transition from the Electronic Systems Center to becoming a vital part of the new Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. What amazed me most is the fact that we never lost a beat. Our commitment to providing superior systems to U.S. warfighters never waned. Our base and region-wide support remained vibrant. Just as importantly, our willingness to help and to look out for one another continued to strengthen the fabric of Team Hanscom.

As we celebrate the holidays and look ahead to the New Year, I remain fully confident that you'll all continue to serve as great wingmen.

I also commend you all for raising nearly $290,000 during the recently completed Combined Federal Campaign, once again showing the full spirit of giving. Team Hanscom demonstrated its generosity in numerous other ways, as well. We collected nearly 5,000 pounds of food during the 2012 Feds Feed Families food drive. Members also gave both time and money to myriad other worthy causes, to troop care drives, veterans outreach programs and community service efforts. We should all take great pride in these efforts.

From a work perspective, 2013 will bring a host of new and additional challenges. Resources constraints in Washington will continue to put pressure on all of us to make tough decisions, to tighten our collective belts and to look for savings and efficiencies wherever we can. Also, each of us as members of LCMC will need to redouble our efforts to help our commander, Lt. Gen. C.D. Moore, as he works to refine and improve this fledgling organization, which is already off to such a strong start.

I know that our Program Executive Officers, Maj. Gen. Craig Olson, and Senior Executive Service member Steve Wert, are fully engaged in these efforts, as are those of us in the 66th Air Base Group. I know, too, that each of us has great optimism going forward, optimism based on our overwhelming confidence in the men and women of Hanscom and their outstanding dedication to duty.

Now, though, it is time to take a well-deserved break to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. I realize your thoughts are never far from our warfighters, but as you celebrate, I ask you to take a few minutes to think of those who are deployed and separated from their loved ones.

Also, please remember to put safety first as you enjoy your holidays. Though joyous, the season can be hectic, and when in a rush, it's easy to make mistakes. Please be certain to wear your seat belt, stay focused behind the wheel and please don't drink and drive.

On behalf of General Moore, and General Olson and Mr. Wert, I once again extend sincere thanks for all you've done this year. We wish you and yours the happiest of holidays.