Can’t we all just get along?

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Can't we all just get along or at least get along well enough to accomplish the mission and work together as a team? Of course we can, especially with a little help from our local Equal Opportunity office.

Have you ever heard of America referenced as the melting pot? Perhaps, more recently you may have heard our sovereign nation referred to as the salad bowl. In either case, these descriptions portray the many races, cultures, ethnicities, religions and beliefs that make us such a diverse country. While bringing all of our differences together creates a wonderful mixture of talents, strengths and creativity, our differences can also lead to conflict if we are unable to work through them.

Diversity is not just about those protected EO categories. Instead, a diversified workforce includes various life experiences, leadership styles, cultures, values and personality types. When we mix these differences together, sometimes we may not all get along. Essentially, they can hinder effective communication, professional relationships and workplace cohesiveness.

The Equal Opportunity office can help. EO may assist your organization in resolving these issues through team-building activities.

How can team building help an organization? Team building equips individuals with the tools to help them understand the roles each person plays in an organization, helps identify an individual's responsibility in fulfilling his or her role and can provide techniques to overcome other obstacles, attitudes and conflicts.

Some of the techniques taught are effective communication processes, understanding personality types, identifying creative ways to overcome conflict, interpersonal skills and problem solving, just to name a few.

The team-building program is low cost to no cost. Depending on your organization's needs, we can modify the activities to accommodate your program.

Remember, although we all work in different organizations, we share a common goal and ultimately are working together as Team Hanscom to achieve it.

For more information, contact the EO office at 781-225-6397 or email