Straight Talk: Summer mischief

  • Published
  • By Col. Stacy L. Yike
  • 66th Air Base Group commander
Summer brings all kinds of wonderful things like sunshine, longer days and more family time with the kids out of school. Unfortunately, all that free time also allows more time for mischief. We have had multiple reports of bike thefts on base and even a few broken windows. Security forces has increased their bike patrols in housing, but I ask you to remind your youngsters of what is considered appropriate behavior.

We have also had a few issues recently with children having BB guns or pellet guns on base. I wanted to provide a quick reminder that our policy here at Hanscom is that these weapons are not to be fired on base at all and minors are not authorized to handle or carry these weapons unless they are under direct adult supervision. Security forces will publish an article in next week's paper providing more details.

Meanwhile, I would ask that parents remind kids to be respectful of the rules that come with living on base. I would also ask the non-parents to remember that kids don't know all the rules. If you see inappropriate behavior, help us nip it in the bud by addressing the issue directly with the youth or parent. And I would remind everyone to take an active part in making Hanscom a safe place to live, work and play!

On a separate note, I wanted to express my personal thanks to each and every one of you who showed your support to the family of Marine Corps Sgt. William Woitowicz, the fallen hero who returned home through Hanscom on Tuesday. We had 54 Airmen in formation at the flightline and many more of the Hanscom family who stood on the procession route to pay their respects.

Hanscom is known for their dedication to this very important show of respect for the ultimate sacrifice. I spoke with one newcomer who was amazed and moved by this outward and visible sign of Hanscom's deep commitment to our fallen heroes and their families.

I know there were some who wanted to show their support, but did not receive sufficient information to do so. We will continue to provide as much information as we can through as many venues as possible including sending broadcast emails to all Hanscom accounts on the NIPR net, sending AtHoc messages, utilizing the housing email distribution and posting information on the web and facebook pages. We will never have truly timely distribution of the information, given the multiple variables that occur with these events, but I am awed that so many of you make the effort to honor these families. It is truly my privilege to serve here at Hanscom.