Straight Talk: Recycling

  • Published
  • By Col. Stacy L. Yike
  • 66th Air Base Group commander
I have received lots of questions about recycling since I arrived. Many individual work centers I have fantastic programs, but a lot of people just don't know what options are available. In honor of Earth Day on April 22 here is some information on Hanscom recycling. Try and recycle one more item today!

Work Centers:
We have a "single stream" recycling process for base employees to use. Employees are responsible for getting recyclable material from their areas to the nearest single stream dumpster.

Some proactive work centers have created their own processes for collecting recyclable material within their areas and transporting it en masse to the dumpsters. Protocol has the best practice I have seen to date. Does your unit top their efforts? Call me to come visit.

How to start your own work center recycling? Collect recyclables in large plastic bags and deposit the entire bag and its contents in a single stream dumpster. Sixteen single stream dumpsters are located in the vicinity of buildings 1102D, 1105B, 1138, 1305, 1425, 1534, 1607, 1624, 1639, 1812, 1726, 1900, 1630, 1606 and 1614.

Our ultimate plan is to have the custodial contractor pick up the single stream recyclable material from a centralized location within each building and deposit it in the single stream dumpsters. However, this change will not be implemented until we have a new contract in place. Place this chart on your recycling container to answer many questions.

Contact Civil Engineering Environmental at 781-377-2904 for further recycling information.

In housing, residents receive recycling instructions when they sign their lease. Normally the recycling containers from the previous resident are left behind for the new occupant. For several years, housing residents were provided with a large, wheeled container with two compartments - one for paper and the other for other recyclable material. This all-in-one container is no longer made and is being phased out.

Residents requiring new containers are now provided with two separate recycling bins. Replacement recycling containers can be obtained from Housing Maintenance on Northbridge Road. Of note, paper must be separated from other recyclables and no plastic bags are accepted for recycling.

Recyclable paper products include:
- White or colored paper
- Computer printouts
- Copy and fax paper, carbonless forms
- Envelopes with and without windows
- Laser printed paper
- Newspapers and magazines
- Corrugated cardboard broken down to 24 inches by 24 inches
- Clear, green and brown glass
- Aluminum and tin
- Plastic, including milk, juice, water, soda and detergent containers
- Any plastic with recycle codes 1 to 7