Straight Talk: Placing ads in the newspaper Published March 24, 2011 By Col. Stacy L. Yike 66th Air Base Group commander HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- Welcome to spring in New England! I thought I was prepared for the crazy and constantly changing weather, but snow? Really? I did appreciate your calls asking if I was going to close the base, but with purple crocus poking up in my front yard and visible grass all over base, I still have hope that spring will indeed arrive. We will be celebrating next weekend regardless of the weather with the annual Spring Fling and Easter egg hunt on April 2 at 10 a.m. at the Base Chapel. Mark your calendars and come join us. We will also celebrate the Month of the Military Child with our annual Family Pasta Night. Families are invited to the Youth Center gym on March 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. for a delicious pasta meal. It's free for Hanscom families, but donations will be accepted. Question: The Hansconian is a great publication and receives wide viewership. I would like to take advantage of this to place an ad in the Hansconian. How do I go about doing so? Response: The Hansconian is published by Community Newspaper Company, a private firm. All ad sales are handled by CNC's sales staff, and all revenues go to the company. To place an ad in the Hansconian, call Chris Fox at 978-371-5702. The newspaper is a great publication indeed and a shout out to our Public Affairs team that recently won the 2010 Air Force Materiel Command Public Affairs Communication Excellence Award. Part of that award is for communicating to the larger Air Force all the fantastic contributions that Team Hanscom is providing to the Warfighter. Another part of the award is for tying together the Hanscom community by sharing the latest news from all corners of the base - otherwise known as the Hansconian. Is there information you wish you could find inside these pages? Write in and let us know. We love hearing from you.