Straight Talk: Labor Day Weekend Safety

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone to incorporate safety into your plans as you prepare for the holiday weekend. Labor Day weekend is a time to celebrate with family before the kids go back to school -- a time of barbecues and swimming, picnics and driving late after a long day in the sunshine.

Labor Day also marks the end of the 101 Critical Days of Summer; a period historically associated with increased mishaps. For the past several years the Air Force has experienced a spike in fatal mishaps in this time period. We need to practice safety all year long, but please don't let your guard down during this particularly vulnerable time.

Once Labor Day is over, we rush back into the chaos of the school season. That means children will be walking to and from school, school busses will be back on the roadway and there will be late night football or band practice. Please stay vigilant while driving and look out for children crossing streets and loading and unloading from busses. Daylight hours decrease bringing new hazards to pedestrians and drivers alike. I encourage you to stay alert.

I am committed to the safety of each and every person of Team Hanscom, and I need each of you to keep safety paramount both at work and at home. Exercises, such as the one we did two week ago, focus on safety in our professional lives. You all did a fantastic job with that exercise and we all learned a great deal; however, it is not often we put that sort of planning into our personal lives. Please practice a bit of that risk assessment with your off-duty plans, as well. I know you will exercise good judgment for you and those around you this holiday weekend. Be safe and enjoy this time with your friends and family and, as always, look out for your Wingmen!