Oct. 7, 2024 AFLCMC Focus Week scheduled Oct. 21-25 This quarterly initiative provides AFLCMC personnel with training opportunities to enhance leadership and acquisition skills, along with personal development, while earning continuous learning points.
Jan. 22, 2024 AFLCMC commander holds her first center-wide all-call Lt. Gen. Donna D. Shipton holds first AFLCMC all-call.
Jan. 2, 2024 Prepare now for Academic Year 2025 Civilian Development Air Force Materiel Command civilians are encouraged to start now to prepare for the upcoming Civilian Development application cycle, Jan. 10 to Feb.16, 2024.
Dec. 11, 2023 Chief Master Sgt. David A. Flosi named 20th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Chief Master Sgt. David A. Flosi was selected to be the 20th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force.
Nov. 8, 2023 Morris retires, culminating a dynamic career A photo gallery and recap of Lt Gen Shaun Q. Morris' retirement ceremony.
Sept. 20, 2023 Air Force releases Enlisted Airmanship Continuum The Air Force published a letter to Airmen detailing updates to the enlisted force development model. The model reflects the new Enlisted Airmanship Continuum, a series of changes aiming to provide new development opportunities to Airmen.
July 7, 2022 Air Force expects lower enlisted promotion rates The Air Force is expecting lower promotion rates for the next few years due to enlisted grade restructuring, a leveling-off of end-strength growth, and high retention levels. Based on structure revisions and end-strength requirements, grades E-5 through E-7 will be impacted.
Jan. 7, 2022 DAF to launch myEval in 2022 Beginning January 2022, the Department of the Air Force will launch a new enlisted and officer evaluation system application, myEvaluation, to further support ongoing IT and talent management transformations for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.
Dec. 9, 2021 AFMC leadership to kick-off 2022 with virtual town hall Air Force Materiel Command leadership will host a command-wide virtual town hall, Friday, Jan. 7, 2022, at 1 p.m. ET.
Dec. 3, 2021 Hanscom team members honored with DOD, Air Force awards In November, multiple Hanscom-based teams and individuals were recognized for excellence in leadership, acquisition, engineering, information dominance, and safety.