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Tag: plan
  • Revitalizing squadrons, Air Force outlines progress

    The task force conducted an Air Force-wide review, driven by Airmen in the field, to promote best practices and identify improvements. Consisting of Total Force Airmen from diverse backgrounds, they reviewed survey data and gathered inputs from across the Air Force through on-line crowd sourcing and face-to-face discussions with nearly 4,000 individuals, including spouses, from 25 different bases representing all major commands, Reserve and National Guard.
  • Explaining TRICARE annual cost increases

    Population growth, aging, and price increases for medical goods and services drive many health care costs in the U.S. In any given year, these price increases are related to rising drug costs, using new medical technology, increasing provider rates or other factors.
  • TRICARE provider types: Understanding your options

    You can visit several types of providers when you need care, regardless of your TRICARE plan. It’s important to understand your provider options because who you see impacts both your out-of-pocket costs and filing a claim.
  • Changes in your life may mean changes to your TRICARE options

    When life changes for you and your family, your TRICARE options may also change. With TRICARE, certain life events (like moving due to a permanent change of station, getting married or divorced, adopting or having a baby, becoming Medicare eligible or losing health coverage) are called Qualifying Life Events (QLEs).
  • TRICARE coverage after active duty retirement

    Retiring from active duty, whether a medical retirement or a regular retirement, is a significant life event. You should know before you retire which TRICARE programs best suit your and your family’s needs.
  • Which plan is right for you? Comparing TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select

    If you have health coverage with TRICARE, you can choose from a variety of plans, which provide you options in where and how you seek medical and dental services. Two major health programs include TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select.
  • Changes coming to TRICARE Retiree Dental Program

    Do you have TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) coverage now? If so, then you need to know that the TRDP will end on Dec. 31, 2018.
  • Take command: Urgent care now easier to access

    As of Jan. 1, 2018, most TRICARE Prime enrollees no longer need a referral for urgent care visits and point-of-service charges no longer apply for urgent care claims. This change replaces the previous policy, which waived referrals for the first two urgent care visits per year.
  • Take command: Increases to TRICARE Pharmacy copayments coming

    On Feb 1, 2018, copayments for prescription drugs at TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery and retail pharmacies will increase. These changes are required by law and affect TRICARE beneficiaries who are not active duty service members.
  • Take command: Enroll now for 2018 TRICARE coverage

    On Jan. 1, 2018, there are a number of changes coming to your TRICARE benefit. This includes a change to the current TRICARE regions. The current three regions (North, South and West) will become two regions (East and West). There will be new regional contractors for the new East and West regions.