Mask guidelines updated for vaccinated persons

  • Published
  • By Lauren Russell
  • 66th Air Base Group Public Affairs

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. – Base officials announced that, effective immediately, fully vaccinated personnel here who are at least 14 days beyond their final dose are no longer required to wear facial coverings indoors or outdoors.

The policy change is consistent with updated Centers for Disease Prevention and Control guidelines as well as a memorandum from the deputy Secretary of Defense released May 13

“We are in a good position to make this change, as our vaccination rates have been strong,” said Col. Katrina Stephens, installation commander. “There is still work to be done. There are still areas on the installation that will require mask wear, but we’re moving in the right direction.”

Currently, masks will remain mandatory in Hanscom’s Primary and Middle Schools, Child Development Center, School Age and Family Child Care programs. All personnel should continue to comply with CDC guidelines where masks should be worn, including airports and healthcare facilities, and all those who have not yet been fully vaccinated should continue to wear masks indoors or in crowded outdoor settings.

“It will be up to unit commanders and directors to enforce the new policy and ensure a safe work environment, and all questions should be directed through an individual’s chain of command,” said Anthony Renzoni, installation Crisis Action Team strategic planner.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said the Commonwealth with also adopt the new CDC facial covering guidance and that all remaining COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted by May 29, when a new face covering advisory will become effective. 

Baker also said he plans to end the State of Emergency June 15.

Additional information can be found at