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  • AI accelerator focuses on education

    The Department of the Air Force-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Accelerator recently held a prototype capstone AI course at the MIT open learning space in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  • AFLCMC hosts Virtual Focus Week April 26-30

    The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center is hosting the second virtual Focus Week of 2021 from April 26-30. Focus week is an opportunity for personnel to complete mandatory and discretionary leadership and acquisition training and earn continuous learning points. Dozens of courses will be

  • Banshee lessons enhance operational mission

    The third iteration of the Banshee training program culminated in a Dec. 4 virtual wrap up event focused on how trainees will turn what they’ve learned into actionable ideas within their units. The program, a partnership between Hanscom, MassChallenge and the Air Force Research Lab, is part of a two

  • Competencies lay foundation for success

    A competency is a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that manifest in an observable and measurable pattern of behaviors.