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  • Mobile app supports new hire process

    A new mobile application feature aims to make the on-boarding process and first days of work easier for civilian new hires across the Air Force Materiel Command. The “Newcomers” feature on the AFMC instance of the Air Force Connect mobile application provides new employees with step-by-step

  • AFMC virtual town hall updates command, focuses on readiness

    The theme of readiness wove throughout the Air Force Materiel Command Virtual Town Hall, Feb. 3. Resiliency, fitness, the AFMC We Need, Space Force and more among the topics of focus during the hour-long event. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., AFMC commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Stan Cadell, AFMC senior

  • AFMC seeks innovative ideas through Ideascale Campaign

    To support the drive to deliver what the Air Force needs at the speed of relevance, Airmen and civilians from across the Air Force Materiel Command enterprise are invited to submit innovative ideas and solutions to improve the AFMC mission through the U.S Air Force Ideation Platform, or Ideascale,

  • AFMC command team to host virtual town hall

    The Air Force Materiel Command commander, Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., along with AFMC command chief, Chief Master Sgt. Stanley Cadell, will host a command-wide virtual town hall Feb. 3, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. ET. The town hall will stream live on the AFMC Facebook page with opportunities for participants

  • AFMC to host Virtual Career Fair

    The Air Force Materiel Command, in conjunction with the Air Force Personnel Center, will host a Virtual Career Fair Dec. 17, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST. The event will focus on filling more than 100 vacancies across the command in career fields to include contracting, financial management, force support,

  • Bunch addresses questions, concerns at inaugural online town hall

    Resiliency, facilities and workforce retention were among the topics addressed by Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr. during his inaugural command-wide virtual town hall, Aug. 8. The town hall, streamed live on the Air Force Materiel Command Facebook page, provided an opportunity for the commander to reach

  • Bunch to host online town hall

    Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Air Force Materiel Command commander, will host a virtual town hall Aug. 8, 1 p.m. EST. The event will be livestreamed on the AFMC Facebook page with opportunities for personnel to submit questions for Bunch prior to and during the event.

  • AFMC We Need team to conduct focus groups across enterprise

    The Air Force Materiel Command’s AFMC We Need team will travel to operating locations across the command footprint to conduct in-person focus groups beginning July 22. The AFMC We Need enterprise-wide initiative, launched in late June, seeks inputs and recommendations from AFMC civilian and military

  • AFMC unleashes $4.6 million in FY18 Squadron Innovation Funds

    When Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein asked leaders to “unleash the brilliance in our Airmen,” Air Force Materiel Command answered the call, executing more than $4.6 million in Squadron Innovation Funds in fiscal year 2018.