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  • Snack all day, get tooth decay

    Halloween is fast approaching and with it comes the collection of ooey-gooey candies. Every little ghoul and goblin worked hard going door-to-door to earn those sweets, and it can be difficult for parents to resist their pleas for more.Officials from the 66th Medical Squadron Dental Operations

  • Service dogs make a difference to disabled

    October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, an annual campaign that educates people about disability employment issues. The theme for this year, which marks 70 years since the first observance, is "My Disability is One Part of Who I Am."That theme speaks to the important message that

  • CE seeking ways to reduce energy, water consumption

    October is Energy Action Month. As part of the month-long campaign, the 66th Civil Engineering Division requests employees find ways to reduce energy and water consumption at work, home and in their communities.Energy affects how we live, work and play. Responsible use of energy is not just about

  • October is National Crime Prevention Month

    In 1984, the National Crime Prevention Council designated October Crime Prevention Month. Every year since then, October has become the official month to recognize crime prevention by promoting awareness of important issues such as victimization, volunteerism and the creation of safer, more caring

  • Our Air Force: 68 years of guts, innovation and air superiority

    In 1911, a young Henry Arnold learned to fly at the Wright Brothers aviation school on a dusty field in Ohio. A strong advocate of aviation research and development, "Hap" Arnold went on to become a five-star general.He made history.In 1918, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker shot down 26 enemy aircraft over

  • Roadway responsibilities extend to all

    The summer season is now in full swing and many are out getting fit while enjoying the warm sunshine. With an increase in foot traffic on base, the 66th Security Forces Squadron has received reports of near misses between pedestrians and drivers. Security forces would like to remind personnel of a

  • Awareness key while celebrating holiday festivities

    Each year many from the local area attend Fourth of July celebrations in Boston. Here are some antiterrorism awareness tips for those planning to attend.These events generate significant local media coverage and large amounts of attendees, which could make them an attractive target for terrorists.

  • Be proud of your role this Independence Day

    On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, starting the colonies on the path to freedom. The next day, John Adams wrote to his wife, describing the time as "the most memorable epoch in the history of America" and saying he was "apt to believe that it will be

  • This Memorial Day, reflect on true meaning

    It was nearly 150 years ago that our nation first observed a day of remembrance for those who died in service to the United States of America.Over the years, more than one million American Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, Marines and Airmen have given their lives in defense of our great nation.

  • Inspection begins next week

    As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Hanscom AFB will welcome the Air Force Materiel Command Inspector General team next week for an inspection. As the installation commander, I see this as an excellent opportunity to showcase the great things Team Hanscom does right to provide the warfighter's