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  • General outlines focus areas, philosophies, expectations at HRA meeting

    LEXINGTON, Mass. – Program Executive Officer Brig. Gen. Michael Schmidt presented an overview of his strategic focus areas, leadership philosophies and key expectations to the Hanscom Representatives Association during a luncheon meeting Aug. 8.The general, who began his Air Force career at Hanscom

  • Sunny future for cloud-hosted AF apps

    Moving the portal onto the cloud is part of an ongoing effort to bring potentially hundreds of separate Air Force applications onto cloud-hosted platforms. The portal’s nearly three quarters of a million average users per month won’t see a break in service, but may notice increased reliability as

  • Crider: Solve problems that matter with data

    Crider also cited innovative data experimentation efforts led by the Multi-Domain Command and Control team at Hanscom as the basis for insights that will integrate command and control capabilities for the warfighter.

  • Schmidt digs into network acquisition

    “It’s harder, in this portfolio, to visualize what we’re giving to the warfighter than some of the other three PEO’s I’ve had the privilege to lead,” said Brig. Gen. Michael Schmidt. “But make no mistake, it doesn’t matter if you have the coolest B-21 or F-35 in the air, it won’t do any good for you